Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Beginnings

It's been a while since I've been an active participant in the word game. The responsibilities of bills and life in general often sweep us away, sometimes erasing the memories of who we once wanted to be. I'm ready to re-realize those memories and goals, taking baby steps into a new writing career.

I've spent the last seven years earning my bread as a server in various restaurants. My last place of employment broke my spirits, and jaded me against the general population. For a while I thought hope was lost. Could everyone be capable of being a rude drooling mess, slobbering with buttery fingers and screaming at innocent waitstaff over bread? I'm trying to convince myself that only a select few are capable of this behavior....I'm not buying it so far.

Regardless of the horror stories of the restaurant industry (oh, and let me tell you....there is no shortage here), it supported me through my high school and college careers. Now that I possess my degree, where to? I've discovered that I can't suffer to work for other people anymore, but do I have enough discipline to work for myself?

My recent resignation was sparked not only by dissatisfaction in the workplace, but at home. Waiting tables is an entire lifestyle of irregular schedules and late-night fiascoes. Trust me, I am not a 9-5 or 8-4 person. I'm ready to govern my own life. I just hope that I can support it as well.

So, here's my attempt at starting fresh as a freelance copywriter. Knowing the thrill felt from fingers gliding on a keyboard, there is no other occupation that I could desire more. Sitting here, in my new home office, eating  scrambled eggs, I've found my own perfect dining experience.

1 comment:

  1. That's my girl! You're always a writer, no matter what you're doing. Don't forget it, ya nerd.
